Day 2

Boom! Day 2!

Let’s make this short and sweet.

{5/7/8} I rocked out on my calories and workout. Day 2 of 30 Day Shred made me grunt in a really unattractive, 80s tennis player, way. But damn it, I did it. Screen Shot 2013-05-31 at 10.48.43 AM

I went over on fat.. which I really don’t understand how that happened. Whatever! We bought fresh cage-free, organic, grain fed blah blah blah eggs from the lady at the knitting shop I go to and I had to have them… DELICIOUS.

{1} OH! And I got my makeup under 15 minutes! Gotta keep that up!  IMG_0010

I’m blogging! and I instagrammed!


{11}One thing I’m trying to do with my current job is enjoy it more. Find joy in it. Well, my boss asked me to make giant jelly fish for a party we’re doing. Now that is fun! I went to Denver Fabrics, bought some perfect jelly fish fabric, and big blue umbrellas. I keep thinking about making jelly fish and I get to smile at work!

{3} While I was at Denver Fabrics I bought some sale fabric to make some new summery scarves. I wear scarves a ton in the winter and I love wearing a fun scarf over a plain-ol, 8 dollar, Target t-shirt. But I don’t have enough summery scarves. So I’m going to make a bunch… for $9.47! BAM! I’ll post pictures

OK gotta go. Back to work! Have a great day!

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