Day 10

Howdy! I promise I’ll get back on my regular blog schedule soon. I promise! But life sometimes gets in the way.

Let’s talk food! Mmmm food.

I’ve been pretty damn good. This weekend I will fail horribly as we are going to the St. Julien to celebrate our 1-year wedding anniversary at Jill’s. Our anniversary happens to fall on Father’s Day this year and we will be PIGGING OUT at the Father’s Day brunch. But until then, I’ve been pretty good.

I’ve been under my calories every weekday and have really been enjoying food. There is something about getting back to cooking and flavors that makes food, no matter how healthy, much more delicious. Even with pulled pork and an Ophelia (aka the greatest gin drink ever) I’m still under 1400 calories today.

Speaking of pulled pork… omg I’m excited for dinner. I’m a BzzAgent and they sent me a big old coupon for pork from King Soopers. I mozeyed on over and got a 7 lb bad boy! Pork Shoulder!! wooo! Then I brined it. That’s right I brined it. I used this amazing recipe from Kevin and Amanda. I didn’t have a 2 gallon zip lock so I carefully made a bag from my vacuum sealer and prayed as I transfered it all in.

This morning I woke up, opened the bag and OMG it smelled delicious. Then I put the rub on the pork and plopped it in the crock pot. The recipe was to put it in the oven but… ain’t nobody got time for that…so crockpot! Then I dumped a jar of my homemade peach bourbon bbq sauce around the edges, put it on low, and called it good. If the dog didn’t eat it, this is going to be a delicious dinner.

People forget that pork isn’t bad for you. When I think pork, the first thing I think of is bacon. But let’s be honest, I think of bacon constantly. But a lean pork loin or shoulder is delicious, easy and  a change from chicken. Mmm bacon.

Ok what else. I’ve been rocking quicker makeup lately and still feel like I look good. Thank goodness for lip gloss (I’m LOVING the new Almay Liquid LipBalm, it doesn’t stay on forever like they claim, but it does keep you nice and moisturized).

MONEY! Let’s talk money. Mike and I are addicted to Why we didn’t do this sooner I don’t know. I feel like we both have control now. I can see the budgets easily and break up receipts so they aren’t all lumped into one category. Plus, Mike is much happier because now we both have  access to the budgeting and he doesn’t have to do it manually. Mint forever!

Oh last thing: working out. I’m broken. Last week I pulled the LCL on my right leg. It is a major ouchie. I’ve iced, stretched, warmed, etc. It feels better today but yesterday and last Friday there was no working out to be had. For the first time ever, I want to work out. Jillian Michaels 30 day shred is mean and evil, but I love it. It works. I’ve noticed a difference and I’ve only been able to do it 7 times. I’m hoping I can make work out tonight. In fact… I’m going to go ice right now so I can rock out when I get home. BYE!

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