Oh it has been far too long since I’ve visited my very own little corner of the internet. Life is busy, and crazy, and wonderful. In a few weeks Lincoln will be TWO! He loves to say “two” but he’s referring to Cars 2 (the movie, not his soon to be age).
In the months since I’ve been here, I’ve done a ton of sewing and need to get better at documenting it all, but that’s not what this post is about. This post is about being a parent.
Y’all, toddlers are rough. They try your patience. They get you into a routine and then seemingly immediately decide that routines are for wusses. They throw things. They throw everything. They laugh at the word “stop.” They throw things while they run as you’re saying “stop.” They fuss at getting in their carseats and getting out of their carseats. They refuse to sleep, then they sleep 3 hrs randomly for nap time. They love chicken nuggets, then decide they hate them. (The dog, however, still loves chicken nuggets). They have a love hate relationship with milk. They throw tantrums in Ikea because you won’t let them play in the bed and bounce on the mattress you’re trying to buy them. They need you at the most inconvenient times (who needs to pee alone?).
Y’all, toddlers are wonderful. They snuggle. They smell so good after a shower. They are obsessed with cars and their stuffed bunnies. They love you (and the cat) so hard. They try to say things like “I love you” but end up just screaming “YOU.” They share their snacks with you. They smile and giggle at you. They run up to you and grab your legs to give you a giant hug out of the blue. They say “mwah” when they give you kisses. They get really into PJ Masks and Cars and a number of other things that will surely change the next week. They still steal your sleep, but mostly they steal your heart.
Lincoln is all these things and more. He is our life. For a while I was worried– worried that I wasn’t doing it “right.” That my child HAD to sleep in his own bed at night and HAD to say a certain number of words and phrases by a certain day. You know what he has to do- be a kid. There’s a lot going on in his little life. He’s growing both mentally and physically. He’s trying to form words and phrases and figure out this great big world. I can read all the books (and I have) but none of those
books tell me how to love my child- that’s on me. None of those books are entitled “How to Parent Lincoln Graziano.” You know who is writing that book: Mike and I. So we burned all the parenting books (ok, not really) and we are writing our own story. We are practicing patience and happiness, empathy and hugs.
So, yes, he will watch TV sometimes while I have to take a call. Yes, he will line all his cars up perfectly and drag me over to see them. Yes, he will try my patience. Yes, he will explore his world holding my hand. Yes, I will love him more and more each moment of each day. So what if he sleeps in our bed– HE SLEEPS! So what if he eats spoonfuls of peanut butter for lunch– he’s eating.
The only goal I have for parenting: raise a happy child. I think we’re doing ok.