You would think after the 56 hours that I’ve had that I would be completely done with writing. But I had to type out one
You would think after the 56 hours that I’ve had that I would be completely done with writing. But I had to type out one
Just look at him!! Maverick is the best! He was a shelter dog! You should get one too!
I love the Gaga, I mean how can you not. Anyways, today I created Gaga toes. One part OPI Sapphire in the Snow One part
I love nail polish. Right now I love grey nail polish. Also, I have a small obsession with gray and pink. So naturally a grey
It is about frickin’ time that I start a blog, well start a blog and keep it going. In 9 months I’m getting hitched and
Web, commercial and surface pattern designer, illustrator, wife and mom.
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©Courtney Graziano aka Fryxie | All images on this website are copyrighted by Courtney Graziano.
The use of any images from this site is strictly prohibited unless prior written permission from the artist is obtained.