2018 Week 2 Sewing Roundup

Just a short little post on what I’ve sewn in the first 2 weeks of 2018. I’m doing a great 52 week sewing challenge on Facebook. Each week has a different challenge to keep you sewing and stash busting! (I need to show y’all my sewing room/office one of these days and you can see my stash –where’s the “smack yourself in the forehead emoji because you have so much fabric” on wordpress?)

So week one was “something warm/soft” so I made a peeker hat for Lincoln because I needed to try out a pattern before whipping up some Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw peeker hats for my awesome friend Allison! You have to join the Ohana Applique design group on facebook to get this tutorial. But it is awesome! Do it. Go. (Oh here’s the link)

Week two was “something from the last fabric you purchased.” Oh man this was so easy. I had been waiting for my Eggplant Raspberry Creek 4-way french terry to show up to make a pair of True Bias Hudsons (my hands down favorite pants, I have 4 more planned) and a modified Halifax from my beloved Hey June. Courtney, why are you so excited about a ton of purple fabric?… BECAUSE I’M A HUGE VIKINGS FAN AND WE HAD A HUGE PLAYOFF GAME, THAT’S WHY #MinneapolisMiracle #skol

Ok here’s a funny story. I posted this picture in the Raspberry Creek group on facebook and a lady from Denmark was super confused. The Vikings’ chant of “skol” doesn’t mean “cheers” like we all think. Nope, it means “school.” Skal = cheers. I’m still laughing thinking of everyone cheering “school, school, school.” But let’s take it like “we’re going to school you.” 

Week three is sew something to make something easier. I’m debating whether I’m going to do this one. I’m thinking of the carry-all pin cushion from Noodlehead. But I’m currently working on a shoulder accent hack of the Hey June Lane Raglan and the Union Street Tee. I have an obsession with Hey June. #sorrynotsorry

And here’s a non-sewing story (did you make it all the way down here? congrats! High-five!). Well, it is sort of sewing related. I was sitting on the floor cutting out a pattern while we were watching “Godless” on Netflix.  The lights were out. I looked over near the couch and I saw something run out of the crevice and then back in. I screamed. It was either a GIANT F-ING SPIDER or a mouse. Either way, no likey. Mike got the flashlight (Mike no likey mice either) and there the mouse was, in the very back corner under the couch. To the store I went (it was 930 on a Sunday evening) and got two traps. When I got home, Mike was already on the phone with Orkin. Orkin came the next day. Still no sign of the mouse. So I named it. Why did I name a rodent? Because when I name rodents they die. We had a sweet little rabbit run into our garage after a hail storm. I named it Henry. Henry died in a box next to our house in like 3 hours. So I named the mouse: Donald T.

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